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FAQ Page

Can I get a refund for a product I bought on KILL-STEAL.COM

Yes, you may request a refund for a product purchased on Kill-Steal.com, provided you haven't shared the digital product key. To apply, email Customer Service at [email protected] with your details and a description of the issue.

I didn’t receive my digital key. What should I do?

Search your mailbox's Spam or Junk folders. Sometimes, email notifications are mistakenly marked as spam, so it's important to verify there.

Verify the email address you provided at checkout. Ensure it is correct and free of any errors. Additionally, review any other email accounts you might have used inadvertently during your purchase.

I bought an Xbox subscription, but the duration I got isn't what I anticipated

When you have an existing subscription and redeem a different type of membership, it converts automatically.

For instance, if you had an existing Game Pass Ultimate and then purchased an Xbox Live Gold subscription, it would automatically be converted to Game Pass Ultimate.

For more information, contact customer support at [email protected]

What is the estimated delivery time for my digital key?

Usually, keys are delivered to your email right after you buy them. It's important to use the right email address for the purchase. If you don't find the key in your inbox, remember to look in your spam or promotions folder.

If you still haven't received your key one hour after buying it, you should get in touch with customer support.

Is it safe to buy from your website?

Ensuring the safety and security of your transactions is our top priority. Our website uses advanced security protocols to protect your personal and payment information. We regularly update our systems to stay ahead of any potential online threats.

Additionally, all purchases are conducted through secure, verified payment gateway. We are committed to providing a secure shopping experience for all our customers. If you have any concerns or questions about the security of our website, please feel free to contact our customer support team.